Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Final PE Reflection

It's that time of the year to post my final PE reflection!

Looking at my revised PE goals, it looks like I didn't accomplish most of what I said I would. For the most part, I couldn't find the time to go to office hours or language table, especially during the month of April. But before the year ends, I hope to potentially go to one last final office hours, whether to practice for the final's dict-a-conversation or practice for the final oral exam.

In terms of pitch, I think I've made some improvement. I feel like the longer the sentences are, the easier it is to speak in the correct pitch.

In terms of speaking naturally, it's not something that I yet completely feel comfortable with. But practice makes perfect.

I hope to continue to studying Japanese in a few months wherever I find myself!

Sunday, May 7, 2017



Monday, April 24, 2017



Monday, March 27, 2017

Revised PE Goals

Halfway through the semester means it's time to revise PE goals!

I would like to continue focusing on the same points as the beginning of the semester.

1. Pitch!
I think I'm slowly getting the hang of rising and falling pitches, but I haven't fully mastered it.

2. Speaking naturally
I still have to think twice before saying something in Japanese because I want to make sure what I am saying is grammatically correct.

How will I work on these goals?

1. I haven't been going to office hours, but I really have to start to. My new goal is to go once every week if I'm able to. Whether it be practicing a conversation or practicing Dict-A-Conversation, listening to someone speak will be helpful.

2. I haven't been practicing Japanese with friends who speak it, but I should do so. My eating club also sometimes hosts Japanese tables, and I haven't been to one yet. The next time they hold one, I will definitely go!



Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2nd Semester PE Goals

It's a new semester, which means it's time for new PE goals! 

What do I want to achieve this semester?

1. Pitch, pitch, pitch
I continue to struggle with pitch when speaking. Whenever we do pitch exercises in class, I have a hard time distinguishing the differences between rising and falling pitches, so it's something I definitely still have a lot to improve on. 

2. Speaking naturally
Aside from pitch, I would like to speak at a more natural pace. I still continue to stumble over my words, and I take my time in trying to form grammatically correct sentences when speaking. I'm afraid of making mistakes, so I need to find a way of getting over this fear. 

How will I focus on these goals?

1. I will try to attend office hours at least every other week. Last semester I may have gone only once, and I was supposed to go back, but I didn't. This semester I hope to change that. 

2. I will also try to watch at least one episode of an anime every week. I don't really have time or much interest in watching anime, but I need to improve my listening abilities as well. Hopefully this will help in improving my pitch as well. 

3. I hope to practice Japanese with friends. Perhaps that will be at language table, or just casually with other friends who speak Japanese. 



Thursday, January 12, 2017

Final PE Reflection

Looking back at my PE goals, I think I've accomplished half of them. My original goals and the additional revised goal were:

1. Like a native speaker

2. Getting the long vowels and double consonants down.

3. Mastering the 'r' sound

4. Focusing on pitch and intonation

I think I managed to complete numbers 2 and 3. I'm still iffy about number 1 because I don't really have confidence when speaking in Japanese, so I tend stumble over my words, or I take too much time in deciding what to say and how to properly phrase it. But what I need to focus on even more is number 4. Intonation isn't as difficult for me, but I still really struggle with pitch.

Additionally, I originally planned on working towards these goals through watching anime, going to language table, and going to office hours. I did not do the latter two nearly as much as I should have. So next semester I plan on trying to find the courage to go to language table. I know I won't see many changes or improvement unless I practice as much as possible, so I definitely have to. Overall though, I feel like I've learned a lot, and I'm pretty satisfied with where I'm currently at, I can't wait for next semester!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


ふゆ休みにうちで かえりました。うちでりょうしんとえいがをみて、おいしごはんをたべて、りょうりをしました。ファインディング・ドリーをみました。とてもおもしろかったです。友だちは日本でべんきょうするので、友だちと日本領事館にいきました。ニューヨークで日本のレストランにひるごはんをたべました。そして、かんこくまちも いきました。かんこくまちでかんこくのスーパにいって、たかいざっしをかいました。ニューヨークが 好きじゃないので、私のうちで 友だちとかんこくのドラマをみて、ばんごはんをたべました。クリスマスにうでどけいをもらいました。1月1日とてもつまらなかったです。でも、1月2日私のたんじょうびでした。ははとレストランにばんごはんをたべました。そして、コンサートチケットをもらいました。ふゆ休みはとてもよかったです。