Thursday, November 10, 2016

Revised PE Goals

After half a semester (wow that was fast!) I regret to share that I don't think I've been very successful with achieving my original PE goals. I think my biggest weakness is in pitch and intonation. I seem to struggle a lot with using the right pitch for words, as opposed to longer phrases. In order to improve on this, the best thing for me to do would probably be to go to office hours to work on my pronunciation. This wasn't originally one of my stated plans, but I think I should definitely add it. I also haven't been watching anime very much. I can't seem to rekindle my interest in it. If anyone has any suggestions for anime to watch, please share them with me!


1 comment:

  1. こんにちは、かんさいだいがくの はな です。ハイキュー(Haikyuu)とかどうですか?おもしろいですよ!
